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Freedom in Homeschooling

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  • Author
    • #3047
      • #3212
        Courtney Polk

          Is there a list of the podcasts and carschooling resources you mentioned. I can’t rewind the video. Thank you

          • #3241

              You should be able to rewind. Try what Lindsay suggested and let me know if it doesn’t work.

          • #3226
            Lindsay Byers

              I realized that when I click the title, it opens the video in youtube for all the rewinding abilities!

              • #3242

                  Thank you for that nugget!

              • #3228
                Joyia Sells

                  I am homeschooling for the freedom it gives us, to spend this important time with them, to slow down and go at their own pace plus many other reasons. Thank you for this great session!

                  • #3243

                      It’s great to go at their pace instead of a state-mandated pace!

                  • #3229
                    Renee Hill

                      I LOVE that you started by defining the word “freedom.” So much of what you shared resonates with me. Thank you for your presentation.

                      • #3245

                          Destini is one of my favorite speakers… she brings so much life!

                      • #3248
                        Kimberly Joseph

                          This was great. So many great ideas! Freedom was one of my top whys. Thank you!

                        • #3250

                          I am so glad you liked the podcasts! I can share them with you 💜 They are actually on my IG @Destini_BurnsTribe11

                        • #3251

                          You are so welcome 🙏🏾 I believe if more parents embraced the freedom aspect of homeschooling more would experience less burnout 💜

                        • #3252

                          @Renee you are welcome! So often we glaze over the definitions 🥴 But the homeschooler in me HAD to pull out that good definition to remind us ALL of our why 💜 Thank you 🙏🏾

                        • #3253

                          Yes ma’am 💪🏾 Our children are brilliant and in the right and FREE environment have the potential to do so much more than we could imagine 💜

                        • #3258
                          Allie Olsen

                            We homeschool so we can shape our kiddos’ character, so we can enjoy learning together, to embrace the flexibility of Dad’s job and to help our children build relationships w/one another across all their ages. (Love this talk so far, btw!)

                          • #3260
                            Allie Olsen

                              “I’ve sparked that in her.” -Destini
                              I LOVE THIS. This is what I live for, as a homeschooling mamma. I want to see my kids and my adult children thrive as who God created them to be… if I can *spark* something beautiful in them, I’ll be content.

                              Wonderful talk, Destini. Thank you for sharing all your experience & wisdom & reminding us we can do this.

                            • #3289
                              Chelsea Auguste

                                Thank you for all the tips and validation. The Podcasts are going to truly be put into rotation ASAP.

                              • #3290
                                Dana Gable

                                  Thank you so much! I really want to try the podcasts with my daughter. That’s an avenue I forgot about.

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